Pastoral: http://www.ippinheiros.org.br/pastora... Facebook: / ippinheiros Arival Dias Casimiro Channel: / arivaldiascasimiro Connection with God of May 21, 2018. In a time of intense crisis that we are living, where it seems that evil is defeating good and dominating the world, in this time of systematic persecution of the Church, where it is being undermined by heresies that come from the branches of hell, where the holy is profaned and the profane is applauded, where right is considered wrong and wrong as right, God shows us His glorious plans through His Word. This revealing passage from Revelation, created by the Triune God Himself, makes it very clear to us that the one who is reigning is our Lord Jesus Christ and His church, even when we cannot see it. Here Pastor Hernandes Dias Lopes brings us a message of hope in the light of the Bible to clearly show us that death was swallowed up by the Victorious Warrior, the only Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent One who has Supreme authority for all time: He is Jesus Christ, who walks among us, knows us, exhorts us and consoles us, and guarantees us victory. Presbyterian Church of Pinheiros. United Nations Avenue 6151, Pinheiros - São Paulo.