When you look at Yahoo! Auctions, you may find some used cars for sale at unbelievably low prices. If you buy a car just because it's cheap, you will be in for a rude awakening. This time, Annin-san has bought us such a car! What is the condition of the car? Academic After School [Sub-Channel] ➡️ / @houkago_freedom Academic Motor College twitter / academic_motor [Annin] YouTube: Annin World Channel ➡️ http://bit.ly/3cg9eVA Instagram ➡️ / annin.33 twitter ➡️ / annin333333 [Sonshi] Instagram ➡️ / sonshi_amc twitter ➡️ / sonshi_amc [George] Instagram ➡️ / george_amc_mi twitter ➡️ / george_amc <AMC Common Sense Theater> Customers using tools without permission • [Fight breaks out] Customers using tools and space without permission. Trespassing in a used car dealership! "Can I borrow your tools...?" Diesel in a minicar • [Tragedy: Engine trouble] A dangerous customer puts diesel in a minicar! Cheap gasoline and... A scammer caught on dashcam • "I've broken a bone! Pay me!" I was the victim of a scammer! They get really angry and fight. Shocking footage of cheap used cars • [Don't be fooled] There's a reason for cheap used cars. The trick to selling them for under 100,000 yen, the price... Familiar customers • [Seriously pissed] 10 things that will get you banned from a car dealership <Car dealership occurrences> Rude customers, overly familiar customers... Insurance fraud • [Major accident] We tried a way to make money by fraudulent car insurance. +200,000 yen in a hit-and-run accident Customer who complains about car inspection • [Tragedy!] My car broke down immediately after inspection! People who asked for a refund from unscrupulous car dealers and ended up giving up midway through the work and bringing it in • [Tragedy] A super cheap dashcam for 3000 yen on Yahoo! Auctions - Amateur tries to install it DIY and fails... People who get scammed on Yahoo! Auctions and buy super cheap cars • [Scammed in a private sale] I bought a super cheap used car from a Yahoo! Auctions scam and the engine was dead... The dangers of sleeping in your car • Video Trick questions for driving licences • [Super difficult] Trick questions for driving licences are too hard lol [19 questions in total] There are actually cases that... A professional talks about tyres! Akademik Motor College website is here ↓↓ https://am-college.com/ BGM : MusMus #Yahoo! Auctions #Super cheap #Used cars