Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/americacomp... Don't be fooled by the purchasing power of the United States alone, the last tip will be a turning point in your life. In this video, we share a little of our life experience here in the United States, from the time we arrived until today. You will be able to find key tips for a more conscious move to America. It is important to hear other people's experiences, but your path will always depend on you and your position regarding the process you will have to go through. At the end, we talk about the key that makes this country so prosperous and that we have applied to our lives. If you want to come, study migration well, and look for good channels to follow, serious channels and not those that encourage you to come, just because of the price of things and do not really show the reality here. Also follow us on Instagram @americacomproposito #moraremorlando #morarnosestadosunidos #poderdecompraeua #vivernosestadosunidos