Don't be fooled! Beware of traps Rev. Viviane Martinello Subscribe: http://bit.ly/2VllY1h ------------------------------------------------------- ▷ FOLLOW VIVIANE MARTINELLO ON SOCIAL MEDIA ► Instagram: http://bit.ly/2YwaWrX ► Facebook: http://bit.ly/2WFH4Zt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With a simple word and her transparent style of expressing God's truths, she has raised a generation of women who love God's presence. Promoting repositioning and transformation, returning many women back to their place: taking care of their marriage, their children, their home, and their destiny. She has traveled Brazil and the Nations carrying this message! God is raising women for a purpose! Viviane Martinello is married to Pastor Telmo Martinello, mother of Vitória and Isabela. Together with her husband, they are pastors of the Abba Pai Church Ministry in the city of Criciúma SC. Bear fruit at the right time! Bear fruit! #VivianeMartinello #AbbaPaiChurch #CasadeIsabel