This week on our Cheese Ship, we hosted a very valuable artist who introduced and endeared sand art to Turkey. Our brother Veysel Çelikdemir has been interested in painting since his childhood. Back then, he would always pray to be on stage, especially to do something related to painting. At this point, he has become someone who illustrates books and communicates with sand art. Here we are, let's get our share of this beautiful story... Veysel Çelikdemir Instagram: / veyselkumsanati Kuveyt Türk Web: https://www.kuveytturk.com.tr/ Instagram: / kuveytturk Twitter: / kuveytturk Facebook: / kuveytturk YouTube: / kuveytturkbankasi Bekir Develi ile Peynir Gemisi is with you every Friday at 21:00 with its valuable guests on this channel. Don't forget to subscribe to the channel, turn on notifications, and support us with your likes and comments.???? Subscribe: / bekirdeveli ⚠ WARNING: Unauthorized use of all or parts of the content published on our channel is prohibited! Our official social media accounts where we announce our publications: ✔ / bekirdevelifun ✔ / bekirdeveli ✔ / bekirdeveli #bekirdeveli #veyselçelikdemir #peynirgemisi