This is Part 73 of the Shitty Character Chronicles. It's been a while since we've featured a shitty character that fits the theme. ●Information from the teacher Chuuashi Zessho TKD / ef_tkd ●Gameplay video that might give you an idea of how shitty it isGODSGARDN#2 L1-2 Tokido vs Chuuashi Zessho TKD • GODSGARDN#2 L1-2 Tokido vs Chuuashi-Z... ●Dogura SNS/Streaming Twitter: https://twitter.com/maneater_dgr?s=21 Twitch: / cag_dogura Please follow us. ●Team informationCAG official Twitter: https://twitter.com/cyclops_osaka?s=21 CAG TeamHP: http://cyclops-osaka.jp/ For inquiries, please visit the team HP. #Dogura's Shitty Character Chronicles #StreetFighterIV