https://buycoffee.to/czasweterynarza If you have used my knowledge or learned something from my YouTube videos, I would be very happy if you bought me a coffee to support my activities and help me develop my channel. Donations will be used for equipment and personal development, which will allow me to record better quality videos. DOG GROOMING, BATHING, BRUSHES AND MANY OTHER INTERESTING THINGS RELATED TO GROOMING AND DOGS The video contains a lot of interesting questions, and the answers are even more interesting: 14s At what age should you come to the first visit with your dog to the grooming salon? 4.38 How often should you bathe your dog? 7.12 Why do you need to trim your dog's hair / which dog breeds can be trimmed and which cannot, which dogs have hair / are there any dogs with hair? 11.25 Why are there breeds that cause fewer allergies? 12.00 Why do dogs cause allergies in humans? 13.55 What unusual requests do clients of a grooming salon have? 16.17 How do dogs behave when getting their hair cut? 17.45 Is the owner present when getting their dog's hair cut? 19.16 How to get your dog used to getting their hair combed? 20.10 Can you go to the groomer if your dog has bad skin? 22.43 Can you bathe puppies? 23.40 What shampoo should you use to bathe your dog? 25.45 What brushes should every dog owner have at home / what kind of brush is best for your dog? 30.29 What products do you use in a grooming salon? 32.24 What mistakes do dog owners most often make when getting their hair cut / how should you cut hair around the eyes? 34.24 What was the most unpleasant situation in a grooming salon? 37.00 What breeds come to a grooming salon most often? 40.32 How often should a dog be cut? 42.00 How long does a visit to a grooming salon last? 43.00 Can a Yorkie and a Maltese be cut? 44.52 Can a Yorkie and a Maltese be cut? Do you trim cats 49.19 Do you use sedatives in the salon 54:00 What is the cost of a visit to a grooming salon 59.34 Do you remove tartar in your salon 1.02.50 What is fur trimming 1.03.58 Is there a limit that you would not cross 1.07.21 What do you need to do to become a groomer Instagram: / czas.weterynarza Facebook profile: / czasweterynarza