It is probably THE French video game gem of the last twenty years: a game that made MMORPGs fashionable even before World of Warcraft, that attracted millions of players, and... pushed a few streaming kings out of school, including superstar Squeezie. All from Roubaix. In short, Dofus is a legend. So, with Sébastien-Abdelhamid Godelu, accompanied by Logan (Ankama), Angom (Gamosaurus.com) and player and videographer Humility, enter the legend signed Ankama! All Clique shows can be watched for free and in full on myCANAL: http://can.al/clique Subscribe to the Clique channel: http://bit.ly/10UoT5i All the videos on http://bit.ly/1cY7eJq Clique, the website: http://www.clique.tv Click on Twitter: / cliquetv Click on Facebook: / cliquetv Click on Instagram: / cliquetv Click on Tik Tok: / clique_tv Mouloud Achour on Instagram: / mouloudachour ************************************************* Subscribe to Clique's channel: http://bit.ly/10UoT5i All the videos: http://bit.ly/1cY7eJq Clique website: http://www.clique.tv Follow us on Twitter: / cliquetv Follow us on Facebook: / cliquetv Follow us on Instagram: / cliquetv Follow us on Tik Tok: /clique_tv