The best gratitude is a donation https://www.donationalerts.com/r/evge... Subscribe to my Zen https://zen.yandex.ru/id/5efa1a055d77... RuTube https://rutube.ru/channel/23956760 VKontakte group https://vk.com/clubmoimotomir37 My Moto World is now on Odnoklassniki https://ok.ru/group/55103406145625 An engine from an Agro Motor, Loncin 6.5 hp snow blower is being repaired, which cannot be started! When starting, it only grabs and immediately stalls, and pops are heard in the muffler! The user also complains that when warming up, the engine runs intermittently and stalls! Such engines are installed on walk-behind tractors, snow blowers, motorized towing vehicles, motor dogs, homemade equipment! Such engines are also installed on walk-behind tractors, Oka, Agat, Salute, Ugra, MTZ Belarus, Motor Sich, Neva and other walk-behind tractors! Honda GX390, Lifan, Lifan kp420, Loncin, Zongshen, Brait, Weima engines! 2:59 - Incorrect installation of the carburetor jet 4:28 - Recoil appeared on the starter handle 6:45 - Valve adjustment 9:42 - Replacing the engine ignition 12:55 - Checking the engine 14:19 - Engine malfunction summary