I am Özgür Uysal. Concepts such as sexual identity, sexual orientation, sexual behavior, sexual preference and sexual role have been talked about a lot lately, especially in the LGBTI+ axis. Is gender and which gender we like a choice? Do sexual orientation and gender identity change later? The experiment conducted on David Reimer in 1965 shed some light on these questions while also shocking the whole world with the results that were announced years later. I wanted to share it with you. I hope you like it. This is #inceişler #relationships #sexuality Don't forget to subscribe, like and comment. You can support the clan by clicking the link below. / @İnceİşler Don't forget to follow us on social media: / benozguruysal / inceislertv / inceislertv To buy İnce İşler products: https://www.shopier.com/ShowProductNe... The product we are wearing: https://www.badbear.com.tr/ Our Discord channel: / discord Gender defines the basic characteristics that determine whether a person is biologically female or male. The first seeds of sexual identity are biologically planted during the fertilization process. Gender first reveals itself during an ultrasound when the genitals of the fetus become apparent; doctors tell the family what the biological sex of the child is. We can also call this the assigned sex. Therefore, the physical sex of a person is clear at birth. All children are born with female or male genitals. Very rarely, there may be those born with both male and female genitals. Gender identity is a person's perception of femininity or masculinity. Gender identity can be defined as a person's awareness and acceptance of their biological existence as male or female. Sexual behavior is related to what a person does sexually. Desire, fantasies, searching for a partner, self-gratification and all other activities performed to express and satisfy their sexual needs can be included in the definition of sexual behavior. Sexual orientation is the attraction of a person's sexual feelings, desires and behaviors to a certain gender. When sexual orientation is directed towards the opposite sex, it is called heterosexuality, when it is directed towards the same sex, it is called homosexuality, and when it is directed towards both sexes, it is called bisexuality. In 1965, twin brothers David and Brian, born in Canada, were diagnosed with a disease called phimosis when they were only six months old. Doctors decided to treat this disease, which quickly became risky, with circumcision, which was very rare at the time. However, since the doctors preferred the burning method when performing the circumcision, a series of mistakes followed one another and things did not go well for little David. David's penis was completely burned and became dysfunctional. The family, concerned about their child's sexual health, took David to Johns Hopkins Hospital. At the hospital, they met with Dr. John Money, who was famous for his work in the field of sexual development and gender identity. Dr. Money defended the Neutral Gender Theory, a theory that is not widely accepted today. According to the theory, gender was something children learned from their environment at an early age. It was possible to change gender from a very young age with the right behavioral interventions. He and the doctors of his time were working on damaged genitals and as a result of their studies, they found that it was very difficult to recreate a penis; but they realized that reconstructing a vagina was much easier technically and practically. Then things happened. Thanks to Dilan Bardakçı for her research. Sources: https://www.cetad.org.tr/73/sik-sorul... https://www.thecut.com/2016/09/with-s... https://www.bbvaopenmind.com/en/scien... https://www.cised.org.tr/sayfa214.html