In the following talk, Dr. Guillermo Durruty, a gynecologist of Reproductive Medicine at Clínica Alemana, tells us what endometriosis is, what the symptoms are, whether or not it can cause infertility and how it affects it, he answers the question about what treatments are there to improve fertility? What assisted reproduction alternatives are available? When to operate or do in vitro? If you want to have children in the future, when to seek medical help? He answers questions from the audience and gives final reflections on the topic. Do you want to know more about this topic? https://www.clinicaalemana.cl/articul... Did you know that you can access a teleconsultation from your home? https://www.clinicaalemana.cl/telemed... Get to know and download our app here https://www.clinicaalemana.cl/app?utm... Follow us on: Instagram: / clinicaalemanadesantiago Facebook: / clinicaalemanadesantiago Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/8001v85... TikTok: / clinica.alemana #ClínicaAlemana #Health #Prevention #EndometriosisAndFertility #EndometriosisAndPregnancy #EndoAndFertility #EndoAndPregnancy #EndoAndConception #EndoAndMotherhood #EndoAndFamilyPlanning #EndoEInfertility #FertilityWithEndo #FertilityHopeEndo #FertilitySupportEndo #EndoAndConceive #EndoPregnancy #EndoAndMotherhoodHope #EndoANDFertilitySupport #EndoAndConception #EndoAndJointPregnancy #EndoAndMothers #EndoAndConception #EndoAndFertilityDifficulties #ConceivingWithEndo #EndoAndIVFPregnancy #EndoAndFertilityProblems #EndoAndReproductiveHealth #EndoAndReproductiveWellness #EndoAndFamilyGoals #EndoAndFamilyDreams #EndoAndPathToMotherhood #EndoAndConceivingWithDifficulties #EndoAndFamilyPlanning #EndoAndPregnancyProblems #EndoAndPregnancySuccess #EndoAndFertilityAwareness #EndoAndLookingToConceive