Did you know that the federal government invests more than R$8 billion reais per year in bidding contracts? That's right. This is a highly profitable market, in addition to helping to boost the country's economy. However, to participate in electronic auctions, a modality carried out entirely online, it is necessary to know where to start. Certificate of Debts Relating to Federal Tax Credits and the Union's Active Debt http://servicos.receita.fazenda.gov.b... Employer Regularity Consultation - FGTS https://consulta-crf.caixa.gov.br/con... Negative Certificate of Labor Debts Negative Certificate of Labor Debts - TST MAKE MONEY SELLING TO THE GOVERNMENT. ACCESS: ▶ https://licitanteextremo.com.br/?utm_... ◀ With the LICITANTE EXTREMO course, in a short time you will become an expert in bidding, you will start with validated strategies that are practiced by hundreds of former students, and you will be able to start selling to the government as soon as possible! The course is extremely practical, with demonstrations, examples, guidelines, success stories, as it is the result of everything I have already tested and use when selling to the Government! #documents #participateinbids #selltothegovernment #bidding #bids #auction #electronicauction #sigapregao *********************** HOW ABOUT SELLING TO THE GOVERNMENT? ????????INFORMATION ABOUT MY GOVERNMENT SALES COURSE: https://licitanteextremo.com.br/ ???? LOW PRICE DOES NOT WIN BIDDING???? ????️SUBSCRIBE TO THE SIGA PREGÃO TOOL TO WIN BIDDING QUICKLY: https://www.sigapregao.com.br/ ▶SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL◀ / @rodolphodosanjosoficial Follow us on: ????Instagram: / rodolphodosanjosoficial ????Facebook: / rodolphodosanjosoficial