In this video we will show you which documents are necessary to enter the Dominican Republic/Punta Cana in 2024, everything we took on the trip and tips so that you don't have any trouble. We are showing everything about this trip on Instagram and there are highlights in the stories too, be sure to check it out there https://www.instagram.com/taipor_ai?i... Link to schedule your passport ➡️https://servicos.dpf.gov.br/sinpa/pag... Link to request the international yellow fever certificate➡️ https://solicitacao.servicos.gov.br/p... Link to request the e-ticket (electrical authorization)➡️https://eticket.portalmigracion.com/e... PLAN YOUR TRIP BY SEARCHING ???? FOR THE BEST TRAVEL INSURANCE ???? https://www.seguroviagem.srv.br/?lead... Link to open your WIZE account https://wise.com/invite/ahpc/wesleyro... And if you want to know how to travel to Punta Cana without liking it, here is the next video ➡️ • TRAVEL TO PUNTA CANA CHEAP - OUTSIDE ... #trip #puntacana #viajar #santodomingo #caribe #ilhasaona #republican #republicadominicana