“It's a Sila!” was once said in Calabria to indicate a cold, wild place with decidedly spartan living conditions. It is not surprising or even ashamed that, originally, the Sila environment represented all of this. Yet, precisely at the time when urban civilization began to dominate the plains, showing all its comforts, but also its inevitable degenerations, the image of the uncontaminated context of the Plateau, with its clear skies, immense woods, prairies and clear waters of the streams, began to change radically, becoming, little by little, synonymous with well-being. The first to look at the Sila with these new eyes were the representatives of the noble and upper-middle-class families of the Kingdom of Naples, who, already in the second half of the eighteenth century, began to build their “casini” right there, the summer residences where they moved to escape the heat and unhealthy air of the plains. During the nineteenth century and the very early twentieth century, it was the travellers of the Grand Tour such as the British writer Norman Douglas, through their fascinating diaries and stories, who definitively consecrated the Sila as a place of well-being. An image that today the territory still gives us back perfectly intact, not only because it is precisely here that, according to recent studies, you can breathe the cleanest air in Europe, but also because the people of the plateau, throughout the twentieth century until today, have been able to wisely manage the heritage of beauty that Nature has given them as a gift, defending it from the excesses of mass tourism as well as from those of intensive agriculture and livestock farming. Travelling on the roads of the Sila, as well as walking its paths among the scent of the larches, means living an unforgettable experience, savouring a well-being that refreshes and tones body and soul, nourished by the strong flavours of the local products, as well as by the genuine and spontaneous hospitality and welcome and by the immense beauty in which you find yourself immersed. The wonder of the ancient forests, a precious refuge for biodiversity, of the lakes, true mirrors that reflect the blue of the clear Silan sky and of the villages that crown the plateau, small treasure chests that guard precious pearls of art and culture, but, above all, places where a daily life made of ancient traditions and stories pulsates, yet still current and vital.