Documentary - The Japanese Renaissance - The Critical Period in Japan - From a Developing to a Superpower - Al-Mijhar Documentary Its renaissance was considered a true miracle, its name was associated with the most famous and largest destruction in history, from a barren and destroyed land to the third largest economy in the world after America and China, its history is full of wars and oppression, and its new is full of progress and miracles, and because of the scars left by the long wars in it, it considered itself one of the non-aligned countries, so it turned the page on wars and blood and opened the world with its inventions and products. The Arabs and the world praised it for its achievements, so they called it the planet, it is Japan, from humiliation to dominance. All this and more on Al-Magher Documentary Channel #Japanese_Renaissance #Japanese_Transformation #Japanese_Development #Japanese_Industrial_Revolution #Japanese_Economic_Transformation #Japanese_Social_Transformation #Technological_Progress_in_Japan #Japanese_Innovation #Japanese_Culture_Development #Educational_Progress_in_Japan Facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... Instagram https://www.instagram.com/lmjhrlwthyq... Twitter / almagher2 TikTok / almagherdocumentary1