2004 was an exceptional year for the Republic of Lithuania. Long-term aspirations and efforts to integrate into the European Union and NATO have turned into fruit - official acceptance into the Western world. Not only the membership itself is valuable, but also the fact that Lithuania had to do serious homework in many areas, implement reforms, create capacities and infrastructure, legal framework, etc. Who knows how we would live now and whether the state of Lithuania would still exist successfully if we were not in NATO members? Remembering those years, in 2024 we interviewed and filmed soldiers and civilian officials who led Lithuania to NATO and contributed to the improvement and strengthening of the Lithuanian national defense system. The recordings of the conversations ended up in the collections of the Vytautas Great War Museum and will be preserved for future generations. The documentary film "Lithuania's Journey to NATO" was created on the basis of the interviews. Script author and director - Laima Bucevičiūtė Script consultants: Kęstutis Bartkevičius and Kristina Petrauskė Camera operator and editing author - Adomas Norvydas Sound director - Adomas Norvydas Photo selection: Gabija Genčiauskaitė, Edvinas Vaidotas, Raimondas Visockis, Darius Zubrickas Language editor - Sigita Meškinienė To be used in the documentary film video sources from the archives of the Ministry of National Defense of the Republic of Lithuania, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania, Antanas Valionis, Vygaudas Ušacks, and the collections of the Vytautas Great War Museum. Vytautas the Great War Museum on the Facebook platform: / vytautodidziojo.karomuziejus / karotechnikaviforte https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... Vytautas the Great War Museum on the Instagram platform: / karo_muziejus