"THE INSIDE powered by Sateraito Office SEASON5" is a team-based documentary series that takes a look behind the scenes at the Chiba Jets. Yuta Watanabe, who has been fighting in the NBA for many years, and other powerful members have joined the Chiba Jets. Under head coach Trevor Gleason, the new Chiba Jets will land in a new arena. From the team's first practice to the opening game, we will bring you the beginning of a year that will be a major milestone for the Chiba Jets. ========== Thank you for watching ✨️ The Jets Channel is currently working hard to reach 200,000 subscribers 💨 We are also planning campaigns, so please subscribe to our channel! 💪🔥 ========== 🏀 Click here to register for exclusive videos and live basketball games! https://stn.mb.softbank.jp/88U9X ========== "Jets Channel" is the official channel of the professional basketball team "Chiba Jets Funabashi"! They belong to the B.LEAGUE and their hometown is Funabashi City, Chiba Prefecture✈️ 🏀Chiba Jets Official Website https://chibajets.jp/ 🏀Chiba Jets Official X https://x.com/chibajets 🏀Chiba Jets Official LINE https://lin.ee/M4qQrs4 🏀Chiba Jets Official Instagram / chibajets_official 🏀Chiba Jets Official TikTok https://vt.tiktok.com/DG5SgD/ 🏀Chiba Jets Official Facebook / chibajets ========== ●For inquiries about YouTube collaborations with Chiba Jets, please click here: https://chibajets.jp/inquiry/youtube/... #ChibaJets #Basketball #B.League