Hello, you are on Mundo a Passeio and today we are going to take you to Passa Quatro, a city that was the scene of many stories and that still preserves its memories. The city is nestled in the Serra da Mantiqueira in the south of the state of Minas Gerais. The station yard used to be huge due to the need to divide the trains. Over time, the movement decreased and along with it the station yard until in 1991 it was closed along with the station and the line from Cruzeiro to Três Corações. In 2004, thanks to the work of the Brazilian Association for Railway Preservation – Southern Minas Region - ABPF, the station came back to life with the Serra da Mantiqueira Train and today it is one of the main tourist attractions in the city. On the way to Maria Fumaça, you can see the beautiful landscapes of Serra da Mantiqueira, with lots of greenery, pastures and the Passa 4 River. The first stop is the Manacá station, at km 30 of the railway and opened on January 1, 1931. Because it is located at a strategic point of access between São Paulo and Minas Gerais, Passa Quatro was the scene of battles that occurred in the region during the Revolution of 1932, an armed movement that aimed to overthrow the provisional government of Getúlio Vargas and call for a National Constituent Assembly. The result of the war was many deaths in combat, among them Colonel Fulgêncio, a lieutenant colonel who gives his name to the station that is our next stop. This station is located at km 24 of the railway, opened on June 14, 1884 and named “Túnel” due to its proximity to the Mantiqueira Tunnel. The station was strategic during the conflict and the scene of the movement's greatest battles. After a short walk, we arrived at the Mantiqueira Tunnel, located on the state border between São Paulo and Minas Gerais, which was dug between 1881 and 1884 and is 997 meters long. It was inside this tunnel that the bloodiest battles of the war took place. Returning to the city, we took the opportunity to visit the “Brasil Nota 10”, a museum with miniature historical scenes designed by Carlos Edil that involves and trains young people from Passa Quatro, who accompany us on the guided tour. It is worth the visit. The people of Passa Quatro have managed to preserve the eclectic architecture of the buildings built from the end of the 19th century to the first decades of the 20th century. The architectural complex has been listed as a historical, architectural and cultural heritage site. Another activity in the city is to visit the National Forest, created in 1948 and located 2 km from the Passa Quatro junction. On the way home, we couldn’t resist and went to see the São Paulo side of the tunnel. The road is narrow and closed. We only recommend it for 4x4 vehicles, but it's easy to walk down if you have the stamina. It's a bit steep. You can see the remains of the railway and ruins of old houses, which served as a base for the São Paulo troops in the Revolution of 1932, which ended on October 1, 1932 with the surrender of the São Paulo people. So, did you enjoy traveling back in time with us? https://appticket.com.br/passeio-no-t... #trem #turismo #passa quatro