We are not this physical body. We are a transcendent soul aware of all truths. But the problem is that we often abandon our soul in the hustle and bustle of the earth and as a result, we have less contact with the transcendent worlds. When we connect with our soul that is connected to the source, we will have a deeper and better understanding of our circumstances and choose more appropriate paths. #Soul #Ancient_Soul #Old_Soul #Spirituality #Spirit_Guide #Spirit_God #Collective_Soul #Supreme_Soul #Spiritual_Awakening #Energy #Consciousness #Universe #Intuition #Inspirations • Intuition and inspirations are a direct way to... • Strengthen intuition and inspirations by doing exercises... • When with this simple method you can use the super-a... • A simple and very powerful technique to get rid of... • If you want to know how to move on the spiritual path... • How do I remember my past life... • Are you a starseed or a star seed?... • How many of the characteristics of starseeds or... • Do you know the meaning of different dimensions, and you know... • If you want to be sure Are you an old soul... • Have you ever met your own spiritual or spiritual family...