#Depression #FunctionalMedicine #Daechi-dongHospital #Serotonin #WellcareClinic #SSRI #SNRI #DNRI #NassA #Serotonin_modulator #melatonin_agonist Since Corona, there have been many young people who feel particularly depressed. Some people are having a hard time because they do not know the side effects of depression medication. Let's find out all the types of depression medications on the market and their side effects. If you are curious about the depression medication that is right for your situation, please watch the video until the end. 🏥 ---------------------------------- Daechi-dong Wellcare Clinic Director Kim Kyung-cheol Introducing a new paradigm in the field of future medicine 👨⚕️ 🏥 Wellcare Clinic A healthy and beautiful life, together with you in the afternoon of your life. View the hospital directly ✅Map: https://naver.me/x4a1U3kO ✅Homepage: http://wellcareclinic.co.kr/layout/pc... ✅Inquiry number: 02-2135-8360 ----------------------------------