Do you know what social phobia is? I'm Dr. Maria Fernanda, and today I'm going to talk about a very important topic: social phobia, also known as social anxiety disorder. People who suffer from social phobia feel very intense anxiety, even in situations where there is no real danger. And because of this excessive fear, people face many situations with great discomfort. But what are the symptoms? Is there a treatment? Come with me and I'll tell you everything. Don't forget to tell me if you suffer from social phobia or if you know someone who has faced this disorder. Subscribe to the channel to see more videos like this and leave a like if this content helped you. Other videos to learn more ???? ▶ Differences between shyness and social phobia: • Differences between shyness and social phobia... ▶ Phobia or Fear?: • Phobia or Fear? Psychiatrist Maria Fernanda... ▶ Why You Should Start Reading Right Now! Advantages of Reading: • Why You Should Start Reading Now... ________________________ Follow us on social media ???? ◼ Instagram / doutortontura ◼ Facebook / neurologia.psiquiatria ◼ Website https://neurologiaepsiquiatria.com.br/ ________________________ About us ???? Hello! Welcome to the Neurology and Psychiatry channel. Here we explain in a simple and clear way curiosities, diseases and treatments of the universe of the human mind, with the professionals Dr. Saulo Nardy Nader, Neurologist (CRM 146114) and Dr. Maria Fernanda Caliani, Psychiatrist (CRM 140770). Our videos have an educational purpose, follow the medical ethics proposed by the Federal Council of Medicine and do not express the personal opinion of Dr. Saulo Nardy Nader or Dr. Maria Fernanda Caliani. All content disseminates medical information based on scientific evidence. *The content of the channel does not replace a face-to-face medical consultation. *Seek medical help if necessary. *Do not self-medicate! This is harmful to your health. *We declare that we have no ties to any pharmaceutical industry. *We respect and follow the regulations and ethical conduct proposed by the CFM, the Brazilian Academy of Neurology (ABN) and the Brazilian Psychiatric Association (ABP).