Is the vocabulary of the cities in Spain the same? Do we Spaniards understand each other perfectly when we speak? Or are there also words and expressions unique to each place? In this collaboration with @mariaespanolcom, we are going to play a little quiz game to find out just that, hehe. Who will win? ;) Here is the video we made for María's channel: • ???? LISTEN to a real CONVERSATION in SPANISH... You have the transcription of this video, Spanish classes, group conversation classes and a lot more at the Erre que ELE Spanish Academy: https://academia.errequeele.com/unete... Learn REAL SPANISH for free with the anecdotes, stories or activities in my emails: https://academia.errequeele.com/suscr... ______________________________________ Master your LISTENING COMPREHENSION in REAL SPANISH with this course: https://academia.errequeele.com/curso...