#practicalengineering This video shows the INCORRECT USE of one of the parts in your sewage system. Don't make this mistake! IMPORTANT... Use of the Tee... (some caveats). When the secondary sewage comes from the horizontal, FROM A SIPHON BOX), and falls into the downpipe, which also serves as VENTILATION, this Tee can be used, since we have a WET VENTILATION there. If you use the JOINT in this part, it can generate BACKWAVE, because the water does not allow air exchange, the air gets trapped, and can generate negative pressure, requiring SECONDARY VENTILATION. Any siphon that is not ventilated through the wet system will have to be dry ventilated. The water seal MUST be protected so as not to generate NEGATIVE PRESSURE. It can be used at the outlet after the siphon box for SYSTEM VENTILATION. Generally this 50mm TE works at 45°.