We videographers tend to have a tremendous mess regarding image profiles, logarithmic profiles, RAW and other issues. And we make huge mistakes. So after watching this video you will know much better what you need and how to record in LOG. VIDEOGRAPHY course from 0 to PRO: https://bit.ly/3AMXAh6 RBG VIDEO MASTER: https://bit.ly/3AJP96r A7SIII / FX3 video guide: https://bit.ly/3RvV0lS Theoretical explanation on logarithmic scales: • Logarithmic scales? Yes, sure, here ... 0:00 Start 0:27 1. What is RAW? 2:50 2. Chromatic Interpolation 4:58 3. Image Profiles 5:26 4. Luminosity Values 7:08 4. Is There a GAMMA Curve in RAW? 8:12 5. Difference Between LOG and RAW 9:22 6. Logarithmic Curve and Linear Scale 11:02 7. Logarithmic Profiles Question Rubencho