Learn about my Physics course for Enem and high-competition entrance exams: https://professordouglasgomes.com/fis... Instagram: /fisicacomdouglas Learn about my Physics course for Enem and high-competition entrance exams: https://professordouglasgomes.com/fis... Instagram: /fisicacomdouglas Learn Physics the right way, without rote learning, and achieve your dream of getting into college. Sign up for my online Physics course SuperMED: https://professordouglasgomes.com/sup... Follow me on Instagram: /fisicacomdouglas.com The figure was taken from an old computer game called Bang! Bang! In the game, two competitors control cannons A and B, firing bullets alternately with the aim of hitting the opponent's cannon; to do this, they assign estimated values for the module of the initial firing speed and for the firing angle. At a certain point in a match, competitor B must fire; He knows that the bullet fired previously passed tangent to point P. In the game, it is equal to 10 m/s2. Consider the action of dissipative forces to be negligible. Based on the given distances and maintaining the last firing angle, what should be, approximately, the smallest value of Δ that would allow the shot fired by cannon B to hit cannon A? a) 30 m/s. b) 35 m/s. c) 40 m/s. d) 45 m/s. e) 50 m/s. Do you want to learn Physics with me? Prepare for ENEM and college entrance exams! Get to know my platform: https://fisicacomdouglas.com Instagram: / fisicacomdouglas