MUSLIMA SOLIHA - ⛔ All types of copying from this channel are prohibited. It is not allowed to repost our videos on YouTube, Telegram, Instagram and other similar networks! Dear members of our channel, there is no objection to you liking the videos and sending them to your friends on Telegram, Instagram and other social networks. Slavery to Allah There is no worship in Islam more important, greater and more significant than prayer. Allah Almighty says: “Establish prayer. Indeed, prayer prevents indecency and evil” (Ankabut, 45). Allah Almighty also says: “Indeed, the believers have succeeded. They are the ones who bow their heads in prayer (with fear and hope)” (Al-Mu'minun, 1-2); “The hypocrites ... when they stand up for prayer, they stand lazily, to be seen by people, and they remember Allah little” (An-Nisa, 142). The hadiths narrated from the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) say: “Islam is built on five things: the statement: ‘La ilaha illallah wa anna Muhammadan Rasulullah’, performing the prayer, fasting Ramadan, paying zakat, and performing Hajj to the House of Allah.” The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was asked: “Which deed is best (most beloved to Allah)?” He replied: “Prayer performed on time.” (Imam Bukhari and Muslim). There are dozens of other hadiths from the Lord of the Universe about the virtue of prayer and the rewards that are given for it: “The difference between a person and polytheism and disbelief is abandoning prayer” (Imam Muslim); “The first deed for which a servant will be held accountable on the Day of Judgment is prayer” (Imam Tirmidhi); "When a Muslim prays and seeks Allah's pleasure with it, his sins fall away like the leaves of a tree falling off." (Imam Ahmad). Islam en _______________________________ _______________________________ A GOOD MUSLIM - Prayer, Dhikr, Dua, Istighfar, Fasting, Islam religion, Prayer, Dhikr, Dua, Istighfar, Fasting, Islam religion