Who likes to go through suffering? We are happy when it does not affect us personally. Nevertheless, it is often the case that when we go through a painful situation, we would not want to miss the experience. This enables us to understand others. Jesus took all the suffering in the world upon himself when he died on the cross. That is why he can understand us very well in painful situations. And his word is true comfort. 00:00 Intro 00:20 Introduction 05:21 The question of suffering is the most puzzling question of our existence 07:01 "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" 13:33 The effects of Jesus' abandonment on you and me 18:30 When suffering turns into healing ... 22:30 1. Suffering - the end is better than the beginning (Job) 27:38 Excursus: Does suffering, as in Job's case, always result in earthly blessings? 32:27 2. Suffering promotes the spread of the gospel (Paul) 35:45 3. Suffering gives a new perspective for those who suffer (compassion, Jairus) 41:21 4. Suffering is a call to faith (Lazarus) 48:14 What can we do when we encounter suffering in our discipleship? 56:42 Closing prayer Mission work Midnight Call - Future in sight Follow us on social media channels and visit our website with lots of information and offers to keep an eye on the future: https://www.mnr.ch Our other YouTube channels: @mnrmusik @mnrgemeinde Our social media channels: / midnightcall / midnightcall / midnightcall https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaAa... https://t.me/mitternachtsruf #Mitternachtsruf #ChristlichePredigt #BiblischeBotschaft #InspirationAusDerBibel #GottesWort #JesusChristus