In this video, I will tell you about the reasons why you should not buy Chinese cars in 2024. I will share with you real examples and negative experiences of people who have already encountered problems when operating such cars. When buying a Chinese car, you risk spending more money on constant repairs and maintenance, facing safety issues and getting a car that will quickly become obsolete and lose value. ⚡️ Join our closed community of car enthusiasts: https://nesamclub.ru/?utm_source=yout... Did you like it and was it useful? Subscribe: ⬇ — NS-Service TG: https://t.me/nsservicee Do you have a Nissan or Infiniti and need useful information, repairs or maintenance? Come see us ⬇ — Auto selection from NS: https://clck.ru/39a7uP — Nissan maintenance calculation: https://clck.ru/39a7ym — Infiniti maintenance calculation: https://clck.ru/39a83q — Our phone number: +7(812)98-207-98