The most unwise thing to do is to arbitrarily interfere with the karma of others. Whenever you help someone and they respond with hatred, you have failed to interfere with the karma of others. People working in the spiritual field, who have some special abilities, are very likely to make mistakes when interfering with the karma of others, leading to suffering for themselves. Below are things that can easily leave bad consequences when interfering with the karma of others. 1. Astrology, fortune telling 2. Intervening to change the future 3. The consciousness of the person you want to help 4. Judging others 5. Helping people but actually harming them 6. Making others dependent on you 7. Hypnosis of past life regression Read here: https://toitinhthuc.com/can-thiep-ngh... #luanxa #thien #giacngo #chualanh #tinhthuc #thuctinh #thuctinhtamlinh #tuhanh