✅ Be my Student: https://www.camilevilela.com.br/ Hey guys! I hope you're enjoying the content I'm producing for you. This is the sixth video of several that are already scheduled to help you become fluent in English, so don't miss it, right?! ACTIVITY LINK: https://goo.gl/forms/76QDtG5wjE4p06SF2 Don't forget to leave your comment below! :) MASTER THE VERB TO BE ONCE AND FOR ALL - https://bit.ly/2x0MfbP 8 WORDS YOU MAY BE PRONOUNCING WRONG IN ENGLISH - https://bit.ly/2xhH9rz 7 SECRETS TO STUDY ENGLISH WITHOUT STOPPING YOUR DAY - https://bit.ly/2zpy4hP 5 INFALLIBLE TIPS FOR THINKING IN ENGLISH - • 5 INFALLIBLE TIPS FOR THINKING IN ENGLISH... COMPLETE PLAN FOR STUDYING ENGLISH - • COMPLETE PLAN FOR STUDYING ENGLISH Don't forget to also follow me on social media: MY PAGE - /vilelacamile MY INSTAGRAM - @camilevilela - /camilevilela Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Just leave it below in the comments box ;) SEE YOU IN THE NEXT VIDEO!