Today I went to the wilderness on the Dnieper in the Smolensk region. We will catch chub and asp ..., or whoever bites))) Spinning CF Arion 3-14g 2.8m Reel SHIMANO VANFORD 2500s Braided line Varivas Max Power PE X8 # 0.6 Lures that were caught: Spinner Lucky John TRIAN BLADE LONG, 9 g Teilik UF Studio Hurricane (10g) Blue Chart Wobbler Pontoon 21 Crack Jack 58F-SR For questions about the correct purchase of echo sounders, GPS anchors, batteries, sensors, rotators and everything related to this, contact me on VK: https://vk.com/id713580568 (WRITE IN PERSONAL MESSAGE), please do not disturb me on trifles (no time to sleep)