This is a video of Nero playing all the bosses in the Bloody Palace! Thank you for watching and commenting!! ◆DMC5 Story Playlist http://qq2q.biz/QO8z ◆DMC5 Playlist http://ur0.biz/Q948 If you like it, please subscribe to the channel! http://u0u1.net/I7ql [Games currently available] ◆MHW ◆DMC5 [Twitter] ⇒ / yataro16 ◆END SONG "The Greatest Escape - Make Or Break" • The Greatest Escape - Make Or Break 《GAME INFO》 ■PS4 version of "Devil May Cry 5" ■Number of players: 1 ■Genre: Stylish action ■Developer: Capcom #DMC5 #DevilMayCry #DevilMayCry5 Nero, V, Dante Must Die, Goliath, Artemis, Cavaliere Angelo, Malphas, King Cerberus, Urizen, Vergil