Twitter: / djrecuerdos ↓↓ More videos here ↓↓ If you laugh, you lose DjMaRiiO #1 https://goo.gl/xnus72 If you laugh, you lose DjMaRiiO #2 https://goo.gl/Nfbc9v If you laugh, you lose DjMaRiiO #3 https://goo.gl/1aNMuF DjMaRiiO's first goal in each FIFA https://goo.gl/jS8yn5 DjMaRiiO's last goal in each FIFA https://goo.gl/GKmdAv DjMaRiiO's first TOTY in each FIFA https://goo.gl/UQPCg5 DjMaRiiO's first post in each FIFA https://goo.gl/js3pa4 DjMaRiiO's first IF in each FIFA https://goo.gl/nYJdU9 DjMaRiiO's first TOTS in each FIFA https://goo.gl/nYJdU9 DjMaRiiO of each FIFA https://goo.gl/jByw6Z The first legend of DjMaRiiO of each FIFA https://goo.gl/yAhGXt I DON'T HAVE FACEBOOK