To keep trees looking well-groomed, it is necessary to periodically trim old branches or shoots. Doing this with regular pruning shears or a garden saw using a ladder is dangerous and inconvenient. The easiest option is to make a pruning shear. A pruning shear allows you to reach the tops of trees from the ground. And in addition to pruning trees, pruning shears can be an excellent assistant when harvesting, when it is not possible to reach the fruit using a ladder or by climbing the tree itself. I offer you my technology for making a pruning shear at home. ––––––––––––– Music: Roa - Walk Around License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... Music promoted by SoundsMix: https://soundsmix.com/ Artist contacts: Instagram: / roa__music Twitter: / roa__music Soundcloud: / roa_music1031 –––––––––––––