[DIY] Can I customize a light truck myself with only mail order and home improvement stores and a budget of 150,000 yen? #DIY #Custom #Light Truck My light truck is in bad shape! 15 years without cleaning. The 4WD and dump truck lift-up are ruined. So, I thought I'd clean it up and turn the loading platform into a wooden deck and add a wooden tailgate. It was supposed to be a cleanup, but it was too much! However, I had always wanted to do a light truck RSO project, so I decided to do it all at once. The conditions were as follows: 1) My wife, who holds the purse strings, gave me a strict budget of 150,000 yen 2) Car parts that I can only get materials for through mail order and home improvement stores are very expensive, so it was a struggle between my ideal and my budget. As a result, I had no choice but to make what I didn't have! I got close to my ideal, but there were many things I had to give up on, so I would like to make them happen the next time I tinker with it. The reason I go to mail order and home improvement stores is simply because I don't have any close acquaintances in the car industry. Anyway, anything you do with a car costs money, so you do what you can by yourself, and what you can't do by yourself. I've made it a point to pass the car inspection. I'm thinking of taking it in as is at the next car inspection! So, as always, I hope this is helpful. ^ ^ ▶Chapter list (table of contents) 0:00 Opening 0:24 Cleaning the light truck that has been in service for 15 years 0:39 Car wash and part removal 1:10 Repairs 7:12 Making the tailgate and frame 11:42 Fixing and installing the tailgate handle 14:19 Making the tailgate and wooden parts 19:00 Making the wooden deck for the loading platform 24:23 Painting and wooden parts 26:21 Painting and base coat 29:09 Painting and body 30:43 The thrill of removing the masking 31:00 Assembly 32:26 And then it's complete ▶Reference Paranew Single (aluminum bar that holds the wood on the loading platform) 1,990 yen (MonotaRO) https://www.monotaro.com/p/1899/806 Putty Soft99 1,600 yen (Amazon) https://amzn.to/3o6LFmE Rubber chipping 1,097 yen (Amazon) https://amzn.to/3EWmrhn Spring claw (handle attached to the tailgate) 1,290 yen (MonotaRO) https://www.monotaro.com/p/3485/2133/ Selangan Batu Muirakachiara (Woodworking Land) https://www.mland.gr.jp/ Paint purchased from PROST PG80 Mercedes 992/7992 SELENITE GRAY 4kg 11,843 yen https://www.prost-shop.jp/shopdetail/... PG80 #400 Black 0.5Kg 1,360 yen https://www.prost-shop.jp/shopdetail/... Thinner for diluting PG80 4Kg 2,750 yen https://www.prost-shop.jp/shopdetail/... Hardener for PG80 1Kg 4,532 yen https://www.prost-shop.jp/shopdetail/... Retan PG Eco (matt finish) 0.9 kg 3,696 yen https://www.prost-shop.jp/shopdetail/... ▶THANKS This is the free material I used in the video. I am truly grateful. Font Font name: Natsume Moji Creator: Kyoko Distribution site name: Anzuiro apricot×color URL: http://www8.plala.or.jp/p_dolce/ Blog: https://toyomarubuild.com Twitter: / toyomarubuild instagram: / toyomarubuild