Divine Secrets of Letters The Science of Havas Muhyiddin Ibn. Arabi Hz. Audio Book #ibnarabi #muhyiddinibnarabi #audiobook #futuhatimekkiyye * We continue to bring you the 1st Volume of Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi's book Futuhati Mekkiyye in audio book format. We are with the 5th Chapter of the book. In this chapter, Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi Hz. while talking about the Degrees of Letters, he included the following words: May Allah guide us and you to success! It should be known that letters are also a ummah, they are also obliged and addressed. There are messengers among them from their own kind. The letters themselves have certain names that only the people of discovery who are on our path can know. The world of letters is the most fluent world in terms of language and the clearest in terms of explanation. Letters are divided into various parts, like the parts of the universe that are generally known. * If you want to listen to the works of Muhyiddin İbn Arabi Hz. that have been published on our channel, you can visit the links below. In order to support us, do not forget to subscribe to our channel and open the channel notifications to be instantly informed about new publications. Love. * Muhyiddin İbn. Arabi Hz. Audio Library Muhyiddin İbn. Arabi Hz. Futuhatı Mekkiyye Volume 1 Chapters: • Muhyiddin İbn. Arabi Hz. Futuhatı M... * If you want to support our channel, you can visit the link below.: / @sesliterapitasavvuf