Title : Aku Kau Sakiti Singer : Diva Hani Songwriter : Heri Susanto Arranger : Mahesa Music Lyrics♫ I often wonder in my heart How could you leave me? Is it my fault that you are like this My heart hurts oh it hurts so much Can you appreciate The sincerity of the love that I have given This love is pure, born from the heart But how could you leave me alone When I expect you Without fault you betray my love So great is my love and affection You leave me, your cruelty Surely one day you will experience The pain and hurt of being left If you have experienced all that Do you still do this Can you appreciate The sincerity of the love that I have given This love is pure, born from the heart But how could you leave me alone Promises you never keep Say you love but there is no proof This is not the first time You hurt me, you broke a promise wo When I expect you Without fault you betray my love So great is my love and affection You leave me, your cruelty Surely one day you will experience The pain and hurt of being left If you have experienced all that Are you still doing this Home Production : Studio Mahesa Music Lighting : Ye'o Lighting Audio : Mahesa Music Video : 19 Production Mixing & Mastering : Mahmudi (Gas Music) MAHESA Musicians : Drums : Faris MAHESA Bass : Yetno MAHESA Melody guitar : Ronnies MAHESA Rhythm : Rebben MAHESA Keyboard 1 : Acik MAHESA Keyboard 2 : Acep MAHESA Tambourine : Bogel MAHESA Flute : Unyil MAHESA Leader : Abah GERRY MAHESA Follow Instagram MAHESA Music : / mahesa_music_real Follow Tiktok MAHESA Music : / mahesa_music_real Don't forget to continue to support this channel by subscribing, sharing, liking and commenting and also turn on the bell icon for notifications of the latest cover videos from our channel #MahesaOfficial #GerryMahesa #MahesaMusic