The video is free, but here is a link to the Web-money wallet, if anyone wants to thank, who does not mind: Z788856778274 Link to the community in VK, a group that I opened at the request of subscribers: https://vk.com/club191523231. Subscribe, it will be interesting. Facebook group: / 591638701658802 Additional channel: / @phddissertation8276 The implementation of any scientific work, including a candidate's dissertation, begins with a list of references. In the first video of the course, we will analyze the rules for creating a list of references in a dissertation, the resources that are best used for this, as well as a lot of other useful information for writing and defending a candidate's dissertation. By the way, here is a link to the sample GOST 2003, according to which lists of references in dissertations should be drawn up: https://yadi.sk/i/eDZE9gKOz4HArg . Use it, and if something is not clear, write under the video. I will definitely answer! #candidate dissertation#,#dissertation#,#postgraduate study#,#how to write a dissertation#,#football#,#article in a scientific journal#,#list of references#,#first chapter of a dissertation#,#literature review#,#candidate of medical sciences#,#write a dissertation#,#how to defend yourself#,#dissertation defense#,#science#