In this video, I show you the most dangerous places in São Paulo! São Paulo is a very big city, and as a result, there are places with a lot of crowds, and that's where most cell phone thefts, purses, etc. happen. There is a lot of policing in the city, but it's not enough. In this video, I show you the Praça da Sé area, where many homeless people spend their days. There are a lot of robberies there during the day, and it's usually deserted at night. I also showed you the Viaduto do Chá and the Teatro Municipal, which is also a dangerous area of the city! Next, I went to Praça da República, near the Cracolândia area, and then I went to Rua 25 de Março, a very busy place, especially on Saturdays. Then I went to the entrance of the Mercado Municipal, the famous Mercadão, and then to Zona Cerealista. Then I went to the Brás neighborhood, in Largo da Concórdia, which is also a very busy and dangerous place. Then I went to Avenida Paulista, which is also dangerous to use your cell phone, because they pass by on bikes and take your cell phone away without you seeing it! Here is the complete playlist with ALL VIDEOS from São Paulo: • São Paulo Capital, Best videos