Learn about the 7 types of foods that most often cause colic in babies. In this week's video, you will learn about the 7 types of foods that are most closely related to the onset of colic in babies. Check out my blog: https://tatianamagri.com.br/blog Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tatianamagri... Instagram: / tatianamagrinutricionista https://tatianamagri.com.br – Baby colic is always a source of great anguish for parents. There are several factors linked to the onset of colic in babies. However, the diet adopted during breastfeeding can have a direct relationship with the onset of these symptoms in our little ones. It is important to know that each baby has a different tolerance. In other words, a food that your friend ate and gave her baby colic may not give your baby colic if you eat it. However, there are some food groups that you should be aware of, because most of the time, they do cause colic in babies. So, in today's video I talk about these 7 types of foods that cause colic in babies, which you should avoid eating during breastfeeding, in this initial period, until the baby is 3 months old, which is when colic is most frequent. Be sure to watch the video, and stay up to date with my tips to avoid colic in babies. Learn more about the subject in this post on my blog: https://tatianamagri.com.br/dieta-pos... Comment and ask your questions. See you in the next video! Learn about the 7 types of foods that cause colic in babies the most.