WORD FROM NÍVEA SOARES IPAN MERGULHADOS CONFERENCE 2024 TUESDAY 8:00 p.m. - 02/13/2024 __ We are the Prophesying to the Nations Church of pastors Emerson Pinheiro and Fernanda Brum. We are a place of worship, communion, and the moving of the Holy Spirit. Our mission is to love God, love people, and serve the world. If you don't have a spiritual home, come and congregate with us! __ ???? SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL AND ACTIVATE THE BELL! Receive notifications whenever a video is published! __ OUR SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram: @igprofetizandoasnacoes @brumfernanda @pr.emersonoficial Facebook: /igprofetizandoasnacoes /prfebrumoficial