In this video you will learn a homemade method to decontaminate the brake pads of your bike making noise or honking, this type of situation indicates that the pad may be contaminated. For your safety, avoid pedaling with contaminated pads, as this way you may end up rendering the brake useless when you really need it. A noisy disc brake is not just a noise but an indication that it is time for maintenance. If you notice that your bike brakes are making noise or honking, apply this method to decontaminate the pad, after watching this video I have no doubt that you will know how to solve this type of problem. Bicycle Mechanics Course https://amzn.to/3BTCPhX ---------------------------------------------------------------- Learn How to Use a Route on Strava: • HOW TO FOLLOW A ROUTE ON STRAVA TUTO... Learn how to prevent thieves from accessing your location on Strava: • HOW TO PROTECT YOUR PRIVACY ON STRA... TIPS FOR ESSENTIAL BIKE ACCESSORIES: • BIKE ACCESSORIES TIP FOR CYCLING... ----------------------------------------------------------------- My Bike Life Style on Social Networks: Facebook: Minha Bike Life Style Instagram: @minhabikels Instagram Moisés Nairon: @moisesnairon ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CHANNEL PARTNERS Cicles Bike Shop: https://www.ciclesbikeshop.com.br/ R-Line Lubrificantes: https://www.rlineperformance.com.br/ Risco Zero Adventure: http://www.riscozeroadventure.com.br/ GoBike: https://www.gobikewear.com.br/ CONTACT US: whatsapp: (48) 999751070 Email: [email protected] ----------------------------------------------------------- Fill your life with EXPERIENCES, not things. Have Stories to tell instead of things to show. Here on the Minha Bike Life Style channel, we have the great goal of inspiring you to become a better person. By promoting this sport that has changed the lives of many people, we want to invite you to try this experience. If you, like us, are already passionate about BICYCLES, or have just arrived here, know that you are in the right place. Everything about cycling, events, races, tours in our region, tips and much more. Welcome. #maintenancetip #bikemaintenance #brakepad