In the next three months, Shin-Keisei Electric Railway will be reborn as the Keisei Electric Railway and Keisei Matsudo Line, and the Semboku Rapid Railway will be reborn as the Nankai Electric Railway and Nankai Semboku Line! This will be a major change in the history of railways, and is a line that is attracting a lot of attention. Why not take a ride on the Shin-Keisei Electric Railway and Semboku Rapid Railway in the winter of 2025 and take your last ride? ◆◆◆Click here to subscribe◆◆◆ / @misotetsu_youtube ◆◆◆X(old Twitter)◆◆◆ / misotetsu_235 ◆◆◆Instagram◆◆◆ / misotetsu235 #Shin-Keisei Electric Railway #Semboku Rapid Railway #Shin-Keisei Line #Merger