This short film is titled Dinda Tersesat Di Hutan, In this film, it tells the story of Dinda, Om timbul and Om Ibnu who are camping in the forest or in the wild and in the end Dinda gets lost in the forest. Let's watch the video until the end guys so you know how exciting this drama or short film is. stay tuned in Dunia Dinda. #DindaTersesatDiHutan #DramaDuniaDinda #duniadinda #FilmPenpendek #DDD Also follow my FB and ig guys Facebook: Fans Dunia Dinda / fans-dunia-dinda-101870861360458 Instagram: duniadinda https://instagram.com/duniadinda?utm_... Camera: SONY A7 II Editing: Adobe Premier Pro CC2019 Music: Youtube.com