Summer, live, expressive, absolutely improvisational concert - all in the style of Dima Bilan! This summer Dima @bilanofficial has an incredibly busy schedule, concerts are going one after another, and at the same time the artist manages to treat his cat Solomon and do charity work. At the Shore House restaurant, in front of a full crowd of people (there were more people than last year), he performed amazingly. One can only be amazed at the energy of this man and his irrepressible talent. The concert was filmed with two cameras: a general plan with a tripod, and a close-up with an iPhone. This is the first part, filmed on an iPhone. Subscribe to us and stay tuned for announcements! We are in nedorogam: / live.video.concert We are in VK: https://vk.com/public209079449 #dimabilan #shorehouse #summerlife #yachtclub #concerts