The essentials to remember about wave diffraction and interference from very concrete examples. ✏️ Download the free booklet of corrected exercises in video to be ready for the baccalaureate: https://nuage03.apps.education.fr/ind... 00:00 Diffraction 02:48 Interferences 05:51 Path difference 07:34 Interfringe ???? Playlist of corrected exercises: • 45 BAC physics chemistry exercises ✅ MY CHANNEL to review the entire final year program and prepare for the ECE: / florenceraffin ✅ MY INSTA to review: @Profraffin ✅ MY TIKTOK to review: @Profraffin ✅ MY WEBSITE: http://sciencesgenevoix.jimdofree.com ✅ MY TWITER: @florenceraffin