Summer is here, everyone is running after diets and losing weight fast. In this episode where we hosted dietitians, we asked them about the nutrition and food myths that have become widespread among the public and got their comments. Enjoy watching! People who reacted in this episode: Dr. Gönül Ateşsaçan / gonulatessacan / @gonulatessacandr Nazlı Deniz Ayyıldız Atak / dietonthestreet / nazlıdenizayyıldız Mehtap Yakut / dyt.mehtapyakut / dytmehtapyakut Aleyna Tanrıverdi / aleynattanriverdi --------------------- Channel Owner: Burak Tatlıcı / buraktatlici Collaborations: [email protected] Our Instagram Account: tepkikolik You can write the videos, games, foods and items you want to see a reaction about in the comments :)