This is Diego Dutra's first special partnership! The first of many to come! For those who haven't visited Diego's website yet, here's the link: www.porcelanafriadiegodutra.com There you will find the best materials for biscuit and the famous toners and enchanted powders. In this project the participating channels are below, take advantage and subscribe to all of them and stay up to date with the news: Alessandra Palmarim - / kigraca Arlene Freitas - / channel Chris Esteca: / @chrisestecabiscuit Elizangela Albeni- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfJa... Juliana Louback- / @julianaloubackbiscuit1020 Liliane Szankowski- / @lilianeszan Karen Bumbeers Xavierren Bumbeers Xavier - / kakÁ artes biscuit Raquel Fontinele - / @raquelfontineleoficial Vanessa Papel Darte - / @serenadecorloja Partners: Blue Star Net Diego Dutra Permabond Condor Acrilex Lyli Artesanato Retrato da Arte