Tiago was diagnosed with cancer. As a cancer patient, he proposed his cancer to a Comedy Roast in order to raise funds to donate to IPO Lisboa. During the Comedy Roast, all the limits of what can and should be said were lifted and a group of comedians had carte blanche to say whatever they wanted about the remaining guests, Tiago and his cancer. The show was recorded on March 21, 2018 at Cinema S. Jorge. Donations IPO Lisbon IBAN: PT50 0781 0112 01120011763 65 https://www.ipolisboa.min-saude.pt/po... --- 00:00 - Intro 01:14 - Presentation (Guilherme Fonseca) 05:30 - Guilherme Fonseca x Tiago André Alves & Dário Guerreiro 11:33 - Dário Guerreiro 25:50 - Guilherme Fonseca x Rita Camarneiro 27:31 - Rita Camarneiro 36:45 - Guilherme Fonseca x Carlos Vidal 37:42 - Carlos Vidal 51:55 - Guilherme Fonseca x Guilherme Duarte 52:35 - Guilherme Duarte 1:08:42 - Guilherme Fonseca x Diogo Miguel 1:10:02 - Diogo Miguel 1:23:20 - Guilherme Fonseca x Diogo Faro 1:24:50 - Diogo Faro 1:35 :55 - Guilherme Fonseca x Diogo Batáguas 1:37:20 - Diogo Batáguas 1:48:56 - Guilherme Fonseca x Tiago André Alves 1:52:23 - Tiago André Alves 2:04:48 - Final credits --- ROAST MASTER Guilherme Fonseca / guilhermefon / guilhermefon / guilhermebfonseca GUESTS Carlos Vidal / carlosmachadovidal / carloseplural / carlosvidaloficial Dário Guerreiro / mocedumcabreste / mocedumcabreste / mocedumcabreste Diogo Batáguas / diogobataguas / diogobataguas / diogobataguas Diogo Faro / ta / sensitive / idiot Diogo Miguel / souodiogo / souodiogo Guilherme Duarte / guilhermercd / em outracoisa / porfalarnoutracoisa Rita Camarneiro / ritacamarneiro / ritacamarneiro / aritacamarneiro ROASTEE Tiago André Alves / tiagoandrealves / otiagoandre --- DIRECTION AND PRODUCTION Mid-Term EDITING Mid-Term Tiago André Alves TEXT REVIEW Pedro Durão / pedurao / pedurao IMAGE AND COMMUNICATION Hugo SuÍssas / suissas THANKS Cinema S. Jorge IPO Lisboa Mike El Nite Nerve