Joseph of Egypt is a biblical character whose story is well known to us from the Bible itself and from the novels and works of fiction created around his story. But did Joseph really exist? It may be difficult to find clear evidence of his person in the archaeology of Ancient Egypt, but we can take a look at the Semitic presence in the history of the Egyptians. Will we find something, however small, that refers to or resembles the biblical story? SUBSCRIBE AND BE PART OF THIS COMMUNITY!! :D :D You can also follow me on social media: Facebook: Laura-Egiptologia Instagram: @laura_egiptologia Twitter: @NiloLaura Official website: www.lauraegiptologia.com If you like the channel, support it on Patreon: / lauraegiptologia Contact (business and collaborations): [email protected] This video and ultimately this channel has the main purpose of disseminating and making known to the general public the impressive Egyptian culture. In order to adapt to a varied audience from different social and cultural backgrounds, a relaxed style is maintained and technicalities that can be tedious or overwhelming are avoided. Understanding is requested. Humor is the shortest path to a better society!